One of my favorite blogs,
The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks, has started to gain some notoriety -- mostly because it's hilarious and awesome, but also because so many other sites have linked to it in recent months. With the birth of my very own blog, I couldn't help but jump on the linking bandwagon.
I was prepared to scour the archives to find something, anything, having to do with vintage clothes or thrift stores (or really, fashion of any sort) so I could write a post, only to find this on the front page:

The humor of this site comes not only from the images' fairly self-explanatory grimace-inducing abuse of quotes, but from blogger Bethany Keeley's musings about the "true" intentions of those who so blatantly "disregard" grammar "rules" and make such truly egregious "errors." (That just hurt my head a bit.)
For more evidence of the blog's brilliance, check out the Greatest Hits section on the right-hand side of the page, or just scroll through the archives. If punctuation -- or really, any basic language rule -- is one of your pet peeves, get ready to laugh.
Uh, this concludes today's edition of shameless blog-sharing. As you were, fashionistas.
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